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Cold water not working. Is there an easy fix?

4K views 4 replies 2 participants last post by  Shpigford 
#1 ·
So we had a big freeze here in Denver where it went from about 60 degrees to -15 degrees in about 12 hours.

All of our pipes seemed to have done fine except for the cold water in one of our bathrooms. These pipes happen to be on an external wall, so my assumption is that the cold water pipe to this sink just froze.

So, is there anything I can do to clear that up and get the ice melted in there? The hot water is flowing fine but literally nothing comes out when I try to turn on the cold water.
Discussion starter · #5 · I'm 90% sure I found the frozen area. I've narrowed it down to about a 2 foot junk that sure enough is in the wall right behind the sink.

Is there any way to effectively defrost that? I've put a small space heater in the area (about 12" away) to try to warm it up that way, but would love to hear some other ideas.
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