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Replacing a shutoff on a 1inch main

2K views 7 replies 4 participants last post by  dsconstructs 
#1 ·
Hi All..

I am new here but have been reading the posts hear for a while.

I would like some help on my up coming project where I need to replace
a shutoff Gate Valve on a 1 inch copper supply line. As you can see in the pictures below, I currently have a gate valve that will not shut off completely. I have a city ball valve in the water meter ground vault that I close when I need to do work in side the premises , but I need to fix the main shut off. My question is to get the opinion of the pros on line here about soldering the joints on the 1 inch pipe that is coming out of the ground (with concrete around it). I am fearing that will not get enough heat into the joint to sweat it correctly. What I was planning to do is to cut the existing pipe above and below the gate valve and then replace it with a ball valve with pieces of pipe already solder on to the ball valve. I would use copper couplers on the top and the bottom to joint the existing pipe with the new pipe. I was planing to use MAPP gas, but am wondering if I should use acetylene due to the 1 inch pipe and the ground cooling. I was planning to suck the water out of the inlet (coming from the ground) with a piece of vinyl tubing as far down as I could stick in down the pipe.

Can anyone who has tackle a task like this comment on the soldering challenges?

Thank You



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#2 ·
First tip, don't use the new valve with that bottom pipe already sweated on there, you would have to cut down near the cement to union it in. Cut just below the existing valve and attach the new valve directly there. As long as the city main shuts flow completely you shouldn't have a problem getting those pipes hot enough.
#7 ·
Do you have any recommendations for cleaning the pipe? I used sandpaper to get the paint off the segment of pipe in the picture. I then plan to cut the pipe and use more sand paper, and a pipe brush on the pipe and the valve. I will then flux, mate and sweat as usual...

Thank you...Joe
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